Ready, Set, Riga Marathon: Prep Tips & Stay with Rixwell Hotels

Pre-Marathon Prep

  1. Gradual Training: Increase mileage over time for endurance, including long runs and speed work.
  2. Nutrition Hydration: Focus on a balanced diet and stay hydrated to fuel your runs.
  3. Rest is Key: Listen to your body and prioritize recovery to prevent injuries.
  4. Tapering: Reduce mileage before the marathon to rest your body.
  5. Mental Strength: Visualize success and plan your race strategy.

Marathon Day

  • Start Slow: Conserve energy for the second half.
  • Stay Hydrated: Utilize water stations even before you feel thirsty.
  • Run Your Race: Stick to your pacing plan.

Post-Marathon at Rixwell Hotels

  • Recover Right: Rehydrate and refuel at our restaurants, and enjoy our comfortable rooms for rest.
  • Explore Riga: Once recovered, explore the city’s sights, all within easy reach from our centrally located hotels.

Why Rixwell Hotels?

Rixwell Hotels offers tailored services for marathon runners, from early breakfasts on race day to a cozy, restful environment for recovery. Choose from Rixwell Old Riga Palace, Rixwell Elefant, or Rixwell Gertrude for a stay that combines convenience and comfort.

Get ready for the Riga Marathon with the right preparation and the perfect stay at Rixwell Hotels. Book now to secure your spot and make your marathon experience unforgettable.